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SYLVICS Writeups

Jacob will photograph all of the plants on your property, identify them, and create a printable PDF for you to enjoy and learn about your property's ecosystem.

Contact Jacob via phone or email to inquire or request a Plant Writeup for you property!
(309) 316-7849

SYLVICS Writeups: Services

Example Plant Inventories

These are basic plant inventories Jacob has created for other homeowners.

Each SYLVICS Writeup is personalized and priced based on the overall writeup design. Your SYLVICS Writeup may include: plant inventory photos, maps (i.e. soil, historical aerial photos, topography, plant cover, plant hardiness zones, climate, etc), ecological facts & data of your property & region, forest measurements, written information, stories, links, and references.

Example Plant Inventory #1

This plant inventory was photographed, identified, and written in a short period of time. The homeowner spent $100 on this.

Example Plant Inventory #2

This plant inventory was photographed, identified, and written over a longer period of time. The homeowner spent $200 on this.

SYLVICS Writeups: Files
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